Playest question: High Living

  • 4 Replies


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Playest question: High Living
« on: September 13, 2016, 05:22:06 PM »
Started playing this on Sunday, with the usual suspects - same 4 people I've last played a full season of AW with. We've had a lot of fun so far, those of us who are into swords and sorcery and also Barbara, who doesn't quite like the genre. A lot of the fun during the 1st session came from the lodging random tables: they're wonderful! 2nd session scheduled next Sunday.

Now, for my first question (confirmation?). When we examined treasure (two out of four adventurers had 1 piece of unexamined treasure each), on first read I thought the effects of high living were in addition to any other treasure results - so that one PC rolled two dice for 1 unexamined treasure and got to lay the foundations of an estate plus high living, and the other got to move to better lodgings, also plus high living.

After rereading the rules later, now I think it was supposed to be either what you get from the roll or high living. So, one player on rolling 2 & 3 could have chosen to hire someone's service or to lay the foundations of her estate or high living, while the other on rolling 1 & 5 could have obtained a new piece of equipment or paid off debts or saved ahead (but he had saved ahead already, so chose to spend his savings on new lodgings) or high living.

So, which reading of the rules is right?

Re: Playest question: High Living
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2016, 09:25:54 PM »
Someone is still playing this game? Nice to see.

Your second reading is correct. Here's Vincent on this topic, from an earlier thread:

In general, the game works by having the dice narrow the choices available to you, and then letting you choose from the more limited set.

When you examine your treasure, if you don't roll any choices you want, you can spend it on high living instead and wait until next time, or you can go into debt to take the choice you want anyway.

Re: Playest question: High Living
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2016, 09:28:55 PM »
Also, if you're feeling brave, I dare you to try my little magic hack:

(The short version: when you unsettle a spell to choose an option from the list, it's in *addition* to what you rolled, not instead of it.)



  • 71
Re: Playest question: High Living
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2016, 06:46:49 AM »
Someone is still playing this game? Nice to see.

Why, this playtest booklet is what, 1 year old? That's a pretty average time for something to be sitting in my "to play" list. It was probably the newest, or at least one of the newest games on the table the day we chose to play it.  :)

Also, if you're feeling brave, I dare you to try my little magic hack:

I've read it! I actually stopped to read most of the threads on this forum last night, but I went ahead and posted my question anyway, because that's the sort of playtesting Vx wanted, right?
One of the players looks like he's really angling for the wizardry skill as soon as possible, so should we ever get that far, and lacking rules for Grimoires, I'll seriously consider your hack as a way to keep the game interesting to him.

Re: Playest question: High Living
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2016, 04:03:31 PM »
Right on, Rafu.

Keep posting about your game here, I'd love to read about it.