Guild World - General

  • 1 Replies
Guild World - General
« on: October 01, 2014, 04:19:52 PM »
This is a hack about adventure; about exploring a post apocalyptic fantasy world in which, after humanity corrupted earth, air and water with its technology in the past age (much like our modern age), now knowledge has been divided among tribes to prevent another disaster. This age is known as The Age of Great Guilds.

The players are journeyman; recently graduated from their apprenticeship, each in one of the different guilds (the game's classes), entitled to freely roam the world perfectioning their arts. Far from being actual real life workers, these "guilds" have perfected their crafts to a point in which their works and teachings delve deeply into the magical, so each class is in itself its own kind of wizard.

Weavers; that can spin and stitch the threads of fate, and alter the fabrics of reality to their whim
Glassmakers; that can reflect themselves as dopplegangers or look through people's hearts and learn their secrets
Miners, those that dig for the treasures of the forgotten era; and that know how to fix and use them
Shepards; who know magical songs and are spiritual guides of their flocks (human and animal)


I take inspiration directly from the Loom Videogame (i opened a thread some time ago for a specific question regarding combat); even what i want to build is more related to a colorful-post apocalyptic adventure time mixed with some ryuutama (japanese rpg, check it if you haven't done yet).

My first question that i have is: Would be very bad having a strong, well defined setting when making a *World game? i mean; Dungeon World or Apocalypse World have very "generic" settings, and i love the work they do into creating a setting through game. In the other hand, i have made a guild list, and i've written specific traits for each guild that make each one interesting (assassins guild is composed entirely of tree people; miners cant stand sunlight, etc). That backgrounds reflect on the moves, and some of them would make no sense if leaving them too generic.

My second question/idea:
I'm making a set of fixed questions, the same ones for each character. The questions will be something along:

-What's the most important teaching of your master?
-What's the goal of your pilgrimage?
-What thing you despise?
-What thing inspires your craftings?
-What is the deepest scar in your heart?
-What was the hardest part of your apprenticeship?
-What is your ultimate dream?

This questions must not be answered when the character is created, but left blank by the moment. (The player has assigned his stats and its eager to play). Instead, he can at any moment of the game reveal the truth about any of this questions to re-roll the dice after a bad throw, this time with a +1 on it (the roll must be related to the answer the player has given). You always have a +1 if you can relate it to an answer of your past.

This way, the past of the character is revealed at the same time as his present (like they do on tv series like LOST, Walking dead and such); and the player adds to the world's lore and mythology. The GM, of course, is encouraged to catch this answers and build the future of the character around them.

The third question is about explorational games in general, and on how would a game around exploration be treated like on the *world format. In next post, i'll write the basic moves i have as now.

Re: Guild World - General
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2014, 07:05:12 AM »
Here i have the final draft of the intro and the basic moves. I wanted to summarize it all in the mood of this HACK:
and i'll strive to do it, but some moves i felt that required a little explanation.

In the next post, i'll explain the different guilds i've come up with, and more on how the "hero's past's questions" work.

Please, ask any questions you like. Im nearly obsessed with the wording of the moves, so im very concerned about your interpretations of it (most of all, the combat rules)

guild world, by j.tremaine.


   The nature of the first shadow its been forgotten ages ago; in the darkness of history. Which demons inhabited it; from where it came and which crimes it commited; the only fact that all the guilds agree on, is that it was vanquished by men; and that it was followed by the golden age of splendor and prosperity.
   The second shadow, however, was brought by the same men; who empowered by their advancements and technology; and blinded by their lust for gold and power, blackened the sky and the water; and poisoned the land and the wind; covering the world on an endless night. Only the songs of the sun children could pierce a hole on the shadow, where the life could flourish again. The  remnants of the humanity, in order to prevent a new disaster on the land, accorded to divide it's knowledge, which they at last reckoned as too dangerous for themselves; and then the guild secrets were sworn and the masters-to-be founded the first cities.

   The third shadow is always foretold to be nigh. In the meantime,

   As you may know, (unless you're a banished, of course) lots of journeymen are invested every year in every city. Younger and older, those who have earned this honor by completing their apprenticeship are sent into the world in pilgrimage by their masters; where they must find inspiration and learn their own lessons that will allow them to create a masterpiece; to become masters as well.

This pilgrims make their way aplying to all the odd jobs they find along their travels, making quests all along the daylands and the nightlands, and getting in all kinds of trouble along their way.

Assign this values (+2, +1, +0 and -1) as you wish, to: STRenght, DEXterity, CHArm and WISdom.
Choose a name and age for your character; and pick the guild where you've spent all your life.

When your character attempts an action, GM will tell you what happens, always following the fiction. If he believes that you must roll, he'll hand you 2d6 and tell you which move you've just triggered. You only roll when you trigger a move.

Whenever this happens, roll 2d6 + apropiate modifier. Compare with the following table:
On a 12+, if the situation allows it, you achieve a flawless success. If it doesn't make sense, you get a +1 bonus in your next rolls.
On a 10+:Success. You achieve what you wanted.
On a 7-9: Success, but at a cost. The GM makes a soft move: He may present a hard choice and ask ¿What do you do? or determine a cost, complication or limitation for the action, but always giving you a choice to react.
On a 6 or less: You've missed. GM is allowed to make a move as hard as he wants, always following the logical fiction of the situation.

The specific descriptions of the outcomes for the other moves mean to be guidelines to apply this rules in other situations; but feel free to disregard them at anytime for the general table.
For the purposes of this guide, a 7 or more is always considered a hit. A 6 or less is a miss.

When you engage in combat with an opponent, roll +str or dex.  On a hit you wound your opponent or gain an advantage over him (describe how) but you're exposed to danger or cost. On a 10-11, choose one: You're not exposed to danger nor cost, or Your opponent is defeated, describe how. On a 12+, both things happen.
On a miss, you're at the mercy of your foe.

If the enemy is particularly tough, has any advantage over you or wears armor, you may get a -1 ongoing against him; -2 against very hard enemies. If the enemy is too tough to be fought in your situation, this move won't work at all; and you may have to do something before you can actually harm him.

In the same way, you get +1 towards any wounded foe, or whenever you can claim an advantage over him. When enemies are more helpless than that, you'll probably don't need a roll to harm them.

When you're hurt by any means (such as combat, traps or sickness), roll +STR (and here is where you add any armor you may have).
On a 10+, you're just injured (-1 ongoing until cured). Your GM will describe you the nature of your wound. On a 7-9, as above, but it costs you something to stay still (a permanent injury or scar, your weapon or your gear, any advantage)
On a miss, you're done: dead, badly injured or defeated.

If the GM says you're wounded and bleeding, count with that on the fiction. That means you may have to endure the blow again whenever you do something stressful, or pass out as a consequence of a bad roll.

Whenever you act despite any danger, be it of any nature, roll+relevant stat.
On a 10+, you do it. On a 7–9, you do it, but something went wrong. On a miss, you're at the mercy of said danger.

When you study a situation, person or place, or try to remember something you've heard on your guild or the roads, roll+WIS. On a 10+, you can ask any question about it; GM may ask how do you know or guess it, and will answer you honestly.  On a 7-9, Same, but at a cost. On a miss, maybe you're noticed or reveal a secret yourself, you see an unwelcome truth or maybe you realize something... too late.

BARGAIN(CHA): Whenever you bargain at any level with an NPC you have any influence on (ask your GM), roll +cha. On a 10+, they deal with you as you ask. On a 7-9, they demand some proof of trust.

AID OR INTERFERE: When you help or hinder someone , roll+appropiate stat. ?On a 10+, they take +1 or -2 to their roll, your choice. ?On a 7–9, they still get a modifier, but you also expose yourself to danger, retribution, or cost.

Whenever you lay hands on a target and sing a spell, roll +CHA. If you write the spell over your target by using the runes, +DEX.
On a 10+, the spell is cast as you intended. On a 7-9: there are complications or you must face a choice.
When you use the teachings of your guild to craft a work, describe it and the propierties it must have. Your GM will tell you which requirements (tools, time, help and knowledge) and limitations it will carry, and how much time it will take. Once you fulfill them, the work is done.