Acting Under Fire as a part of other moves

  • 4 Replies
Acting Under Fire as a part of other moves
« on: October 14, 2010, 02:54:31 AM »
I'm still confused on moves that have you roll, and on a weak hit "it counts as acting under fire".

Does this mean you make two rolls? What I've been doing is just adding the 7-9 clause from Acting Under Fire to whatever the current move is, like the Angel's healing roll or the manipulation roles.

Or for example, the Angels healing touch move:

On a 7–9, heal 1 segment, but you’re acting under fire from your patient’s brain.

What does that mean? Do you make a separate roll? In that case it feels like you should be following up your healing roll with an Acting Under Fire roll. But what about:

When someone uses specialty gear they aren’t accustomed to
— a non-angel using an angel kit, a non-brainer using brainer
gear — it’s reasonable to say that it counts as acting under fire.

On a 7–9, choose 1:
• if they do it, they mark experience
• if they refuse, it’s acting under fire
What they do then is up to them.

I feel like this should be obvious to me, but I'm just not getting an unambiguous reading here. In all cases, do you just make a follow-up Acting Under Fire roll (or in some cases, replace whatever move would normally be the case with Acting Under Fire)?


Re: Acting Under Fire as a part of other moves
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2010, 08:34:52 AM »
You make an acting under fire roll directly afterwards.  So for the Healing touch move, they roll ... +wierd to heal someome, then get the 7-9. The patient is healed, but the patient's brain assaults them with psychic awfulness! They roll +cool (or whatever, depening on their moves, some playbook moves switch acting under fire to a different stat), and if they miss or do a weak hit, then the MC can make some kind of move, as the circumstances depend.

Same thing with manipulate. Manipulator rolls their Hot (or whatever, again some moves change this) against the Manipulatee, and picks "the stick", rather than "the carrot" (or both, if they get an awesome roll).  If the person manipulated (always a PC for this particular version of the move, NPCs get a different set of rules) says "no thanks", then they must make an acting under fire roll.  They still get to say no, but then have to make an act under fire roll because the manipulate has really thrown them, and they need to keep their calm.  If they miss the act under fire roll, the player does NOT suddenly change their mind (they've already said no) but it does mean that the MC gets to make a hard move against that person, capitalizing on the PC's momentary lapse of attention to have terrible, terrible things happen.

For extra super fun, the manipulator could also hinder that person's act under fire roll, to really amp up the awfulness.  



  • 1293
Re: Acting Under Fire as a part of other moves
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2010, 08:44:54 AM »
I like rule questions!

Answer: yes, two rolls. Follow up with a roll to act under fire.

Example: Bai does healing touch to poor gutted Licker. She rolls 7-9. What happens?

"Cool!" I say. "Licker gets 1 segment back. He'll live. But you're acting under fire from his brain. Roll+cool!"

She rolls...

...10+. "No prob. His brain is battering away at yours but whatever. It stops pretty soon."

...7-9. "Oh dude. His brain is battering away at yours, and it won't stop. You can go lie down for the rest of the day, or you can take 1-harm to muscle through."

...a miss. "Wah! Crap! His brain pries yours right open and lodges itself in there. You can hear what he's thinking. Right now he's all just 'ow! Ow! Ow!' but I don't know what's coming." My move is to capture someone, and it's Licker.

Summary: when the rules tell you to act under fire, that means that you do the thing you were doing, sure, but you should also roll+cool to find out if there are complications as well.

edit: Glendower, right on.

Re: Acting Under Fire as a part of other moves
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2010, 08:46:19 AM »

When someone uses specialty gear they aren’t accustomed to
— a non-angel using an angel kit, a non-brainer using brainer
gear — it’s reasonable to say that it counts as acting under fire.

So Navarre the Gunlugger pulls out an Angel's Kit to patch a big gunshot wound.  He looks at the pill bottles.  He wonders at all the different brands of pill names. What's "viagra"?  Will that help with the pain, maybe?  

Before he rolls +stock, he's gotta make an "act under fire" roll to ensure that he stumbles through using the kit without having someone awful happen.  On a weak hit or a miss, the MC is now allowed to make some sort of move against the player.  

Remember a weak hit is still a hit, so they may be able to make the +stock roll but there's some kind of move coming their way. For a weak hit, it should be complicating but not a total fuckup. Maybe his (NPC) buddy Parcher misunderstand's Navarre's RAMPANT erection from the Viagra he popped by accident, and confesses repressed sexual attraction for him (using the "put them in a spot" move).  

(EDIT: Whoops, crossposted!  Sorry Vincent)



  • 157
Re: Acting Under Fire as a part of other moves
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2010, 05:51:20 PM »
Remember a weak hit is still a hit, so they may be able to make the +stock roll but there's some kind of move coming their way. For a weak hit, it should be complicating but not a total fuckup. Maybe his (NPC) buddy Parcher misunderstand's Navarre's RAMPANT erection from the Viagra he popped by accident, and confesses repressed sexual attraction for him (using the "put them in a spot" move).  

There's the germ of a "AW as bedroom farce" hack in there.