AP: The Airfield

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Re: AP: The Airfield
« Reply #30 on: December 28, 2011, 02:43:44 PM »
And Colin is 3/4 of the way there now.
James R.

    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."



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Re: AP: The Airfield
« Reply #31 on: December 28, 2011, 02:44:33 PM »
Cobra heads over to the hanger where Robinson and Specials have gathered their respective gangs. They convoy out to Dodger Stadium. They pull up short and tell the gangs to stay there unless called for. “You are not allowed to have things like…thoughts,” says Specials. Dremmer comes to meet them but won’t admit to having Tammy (Read a Person, 9. Is he telling the truth?) until Specials pulls a gun and puts it to Dremmer’s head (Go Aggro, 7. Back off calmly hands where you can see). Dremmer’s guys pull their weapons and everyone has guns on each other. Things are tense, but Dremmer trades her for the Submarine. He takes them to where Tammy and her squad are holding out with the Device in the generator room. Specials and Tammy head off for a private embrace, which turns into much more (Quarantine Special, 7-9. If I asked would you stay with me?). Specials tries to convince her to help him save the world. “Will you stay with me?” he asks. “If you stay, I’ll stay,” she responds. “If I had decided to go, would you have gone too?”

Meanwhile, Robinson is back with the Device. He opens his brain to the psychic maelstrom (Miss!) and sees that the Device is the Maelstrom. The two are connected. He sees the Device, the Blizzard, the glow of Hawaii in the distance. He sees Hawaii up close, the sun, hula girls, a sandy beach. He feels warm sand under his feet for the first time in his life. Then it starts to snow, piling up in drifts. A grey tsunami rises behind him and through him, crashing into the island. Swamping it.

Hawaii, as Robinson knows it, is no more. But the Device can still get him there. That’s what the Device offers. The Hawaii from the post card. “What do you want for it?” he asks Dremmer. But Dremmer will not name a price. He wants Robinson to tell him what it does? How it works. He will not name a price. Robinson murders him with a shot to the head (Seize with Force, 13. Take definite hold. Suffer little harm. Inflict terrible harm.). Robinson starts wheeling the Device out when everything goes to hell.

Cobra hears the shot and knows things are about to get bad. He spies Roark turning, his assault rifle coming up (Read a Sitch, Hit! Who’s in charge here? Who’s the biggest threat? What should I be on the lookout for?). Bullets start to fly, Robinson is hit (Harm move, 10. It’s worse that it seems.). Cobra pulls his guns and tries to back Roark and his dude’s off, “Robinson is in charge here. Dremmer’s dead. Put the weapons down (Go Aggro, Miss!).” Roark shoots and Cobra is gutshot (Harm move 10. He’s at 10 O’Clock!) Cobra runs for the skybox and kicks out a window (Fuck This Shit, 7. You can go or stay, but if you go it costs you. Leave something behind). Down below he sees Dremmer’s men closing in on his Mustang. He can save the car, but it will mean leaving Robinson behind. Cobra swings out over the wall and is gone.
James R.

    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."



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Re: AP: The Airfield
« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2011, 02:50:14 PM »
And with Specials and Tammy, all 4 special moves are in play.

It's interesting how iconic they were in play. Robinson used his special move to read Prim and fix her. Cobra did it with Shazza and left her pining for him as he keeps on driving. Quarantine tried to recapture his past. And Proust used her special move to broker a deal, an obligation gig makes total sense there.
James R.

    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."



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Re: AP: The Airfield
« Reply #33 on: December 28, 2011, 02:55:54 PM »
Specials hears the shooting and comes running. Wounded, Robinson is running across the parking lot, signaling for his dudes (Spooky Intense, 7). He can get to his men, but it will expose him to more harm. He’s pinned down behind a car. Specials fires warning shots from the rooftop (Go Aggro, 12. Force your hand and suck it up.). Dremmer’s men start dying and the automatic weapons fire lessens. Robinson honks the horn of car in a predetermined pattern, sending his men into the fray (Leadership, 11. Hard advance.). Specials and Tammy keep up a barrage of killing shots (Seize with Force, 12. Take definite hold. Suffer little harm. Impress or frighten your enemy).

Cobra drives to Grip’s. He needs an injectable tourniquet and a blood slower. Grip offers to trade his services for a ride to Bakersfield (Read a Person, How can I make you…?). Grip wants out of here. Cobra agrees to the deal and Grip patches him up.

From his position, Robinson orders his men to charge the gate (Seize with Force, 14. Take Definite Hold. Suffer little harm. Inflict terrible harm.). They take light casualties as Monk is shot in the arm, but Dremmer’s men break and run. When Specials and Tammy approach him, Robinson is wheeling the device up the ramp from the locker rooms, toward the field. He says “You didn’t tell me what it does, Dwayne. It makes your dreams come true.” Specials realizes that he may have to shoot Robinson to stop him from taking the device (Read a Sitch, 5.). Robinson sees him finger his gun and knows that Specials is willing to go to violence. “It makes your nightmares come true too, Robinson.”

The Savvyhead opens his brain again to the psychic maelstrom (Open your Brain, 9). He sees Amy in the snow, the only thing that ever mattered to him as much as Hawaii. He knows the Device is connected to the End Times, that it’s part of the snow and not the light. He lets go of the trolley and walks out as the Device starts rolling back.


Proust is seeing Specials and Robinson off as they start up the plane’s engines. “You sure you don’t want to come?” asks Robinson “I’ve got two tickets for you.” Proust shakes her head, “I’ve got family here.” The plane taxis and takes off, heading out over the barren landscape before turning toward Hawaii. On board the aircraft, we can see the Device, softly humming, strapped into the space that had been cleared for Cobra’s car. Down below, we see a lone yellow Mustang racing down the road, kicking up dust behind as Cobra watches the plane soar off. He touches his hat and then drives off into the horizon.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 03:20:01 PM by noclue »
James R.

    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

Re: AP: The Airfield
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2012, 06:06:31 PM »
I played Robinson the Savvyhead.

Not a lot to add right now other than that this game was fucking boss. Thank you, noclue, for chronicling it.
Andrew Linstrom



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Re: AP: The Airfield
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2012, 10:27:43 PM »
My pleasure, sir. It was an awesome game!
James R.

    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."