
  • 5 Replies
« on: August 29, 2011, 11:07:01 AM »
Having noodled around with The One Ring for a bit I'm itching for a travel mechanic that creates some fun.  Was there ever anything like this in DW?  I thought there was but I don't see it in the Red Book and I'm beginning to think I'm imagining it.  Thanks.

Re: Travel
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2011, 01:35:46 PM »
There is the "Make Perilous Journey" move, but it seems to be gone in the Red Book.

Re: Travel
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2011, 07:29:14 PM »
That's what I was thinking.  I was so surprised it was missing I sort of sat there confused for way too long.  The on the spot move I made also fell sort of flat.  I'd love to see this cleaned up and put back in.

Re: Travel
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2011, 09:49:15 AM »
I don't think its out for good, I think the basic set was meant to give you just enough to run a single dungeon and get a taste for the game.  I can't speak for the designers but I'm guessing it never left the full version of the rules.  I'm actually impressed by how streamlined the basic set was.

Re: Travel
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2011, 04:05:44 PM »
I'd probably write up a host of specific travel moves (related to certain routes, environments, and so on) as part of my prep (maybe some would be semi-permanent). I'd probably also want one that's more general, for cases that don't fit anywhere else.

So, hm.

When you travel from the Gray Citadel to the Ridge Mountains, have one player (the leader) roll+number of people travelling. On a 10+, the MC chooses three. On a 7-9, the MC chooses two.

- You get set upon by the ghouls of the Citadel, less than three days out.
- You get ambushed by the robbers of the Ridgehills, right before you reach the mountains.
- Your group gets mired in the Mirdash Swamp.
- Some people wander off on their own or get lost...
- ... and no one else notices right away.

On a miss, you get there safe and sound.

As an example, tailored to the circumstances of your world.

- Alex



  • 777
Re: Travel
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2011, 05:51:29 AM »
This is the original move. We always use it to good effect, it often makes the journey as involved and exciting as the destination!

Undertake a Perilous Journey (Con)
When you travel through hostile territory, roll+Con-the distance in rations. On a 10+, you avoid hardship in the wild and reach your destination. On a 7-9, you reach your destination but the GM chooses one:
? You run out of food
? You run out of adventuring supplies
? You’re fatigued and need rest (take -1 forward until you
? You’ve been followed to your destination

A miss is obviously an opportunity on a plate. The DM makes a HARD move, As Mr. Harper Elaborates:
When you make a hard DM move, both:
1. It follows logically from the fiction.
2. It's irrevocable.

This means, say what happens, including the effect, then ask "What do you do?"
When the dice miss, the DM stares at it like, "Crap! Now I have to invent something! Better make it dangerous and cool!"
Don't do that - Instead, when it's time for a hard move, look back at the setup move(s) you made. In this case calling for the Perilous Journey. Where are they travelling to? What's the terrain? What monsters lurk there? What was threatened? What was about to happen, before the PC took action? Follow through on that. Bring the effects on screen. Bring the consequences to fruition.

And speaking of consequences, a hard move doesn't automatically equate to severe consequences. The severity of the threat is a separate issue, depending wholly on the fiction as established. The hard move means the consequences, large or small, take full effect now.

It's not about being mean, or punishing a missed roll, or inventing new trouble. It's about giving the fiction its full expression. Setup, follow-through. Action, consequences.